Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Evangelicals Care About Creation!

"Nature, the world, has no value, no interest for Christians. The Christian thinks only of himself and the salvation of his soul." - Ludwig Feuerbach
A subversive group of Evangelical leaders (including Brian McLaren, Rick Warren, and Calvin College president Gaylen Byker) have issued a statement on global warming (climate change) entitled "Climate Change: An Evangelical Call to Action". In this statement, the authors posit four claims: 1) "Human-Induced Climate Change is Real", 2) "The Consequences of Climate Change Will Be Significant, and Will Hit the Poor the Hardest", 3) "Christian Moral Convictions Demand Our Response to the Climate Change Problem", and 4) "The need to act now is urgent. Governments, businesses, churches, and individuals all have a role to play in addressing climate change starting now."

I commend them in the issuing of this statement. It is a bold and urgent call to action that is of great need in the evangelical community.

"Any error about creation also leads to an error about God." - Thomas Aquinas


Chris said...

However, in the first section, there seems to be a lingering scientism. "Because all religious/moral claims about climate change are relevant only if climate change is real and is mainly human-induced, everything hinges on the scientific data. As evangelicals we have hesitated to speak on this issue until we could be more certain of the science of climate change but the signatories now believe that the evidence demands action..."
Why now that we have so-called "certain" scientific evidence do these evangelicals "believe that the evidence demands action"? There has been evidence (and more than just scientific) for years that "carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels" are destructive to Creation. Why wasn't there action taken earlier, global warming or not?
Sorry. It seems I always have to look for the bad. At least they are taking a step in the right direction with this statement.

Evan said...

did you know you're at the top of the list of bloggages at wendell berry's unofficial website. you're awesome

jeffinanutshell said...

You also forgot to talk about how Dobson condemned the signing of the statement(I always look for the worse - as a nay sayer, of course).

That Aquinas quote sure would make a good header for a paper on eco-theology...

Chris said...

I was saving you something to post about.
I think that quote would work better on the back of a book.